News & Events

Keep up to date with all our news and events. Posts for all of the STJCC locations are listed below, but you can also select a location to filter to that centre’s news.


Centre Closure for Friday March 3rd 2023

Due to the suspension of Metro Transit services until 10am Friday March 3rd, all centres will remain closed for the day. Have a great weekend and we will see everyone on Monday.

Happy 50th Birthday St. Joseph’s

On March 1, 2018 we celebrated our 50th Birthday! All week we talked about the birthday and did small groups that included making banners, birthday cards, birthdays cakes, ect… we had a family snack at our centres on March 1 to celebrate. This is such an amazing milestone! 

Sunday Funday!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all those who volunteered, attended, donated and supported the fun fair this past weekend! It was a beautiful day with lots of happy little ones running from game to game. It was really great to see families and friends of St. Joe’s and feel the …

STJCC Sponsorship

Please see the attached sponsorship letter from the Board of Directors for St Joseph’s Children’s Centre. STJCC Sponsorship Packages Please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Director for more information. We look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.

Happy Birthday to us!

On March 1, 2015 St Josephs Childrens Centre turned 47 years old! Forty seven years of providing leading early childhood education to the Halifax area! Here’s a picture from when we were only 20 years old 🙂